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Project Menu and Commands

The menu Project includes commands that operate on project or target level. Multiple projects are managed through Project - Manage - Multi-Project Workspace.

for details.

Project Menu Toolbar Shortcut Description
New µVision Project...     Create a new project file.
New Multi-Project Workspace...     Create a new multiple project file.
Open Project...     Open an existing project or multi-project. Closes and saves the current project.
Close Project     Close and save the current project.
Export     Export the active project, or the current multi-project, to the µVision3 format. Restrictions apply to projects created with the MDK version 5.
Manage     Maintain project items, such as project targets, groups, files, folder and file extensions, set the use of an compiler, or define books relevant for the project. Contains menu points to invoke the Pack Installer and Run-Time Environment.
Select Device for Target name...     Opens the dialog Select Device for Target to change the target device.
Remove object     Removes the file or group selected in the window Project.
Options for object... Options for Target Button Alt+F7 Changes tool options for the target, group, or file.
Clean target     Deletes the intermediate files of the project target (see Notes).
Build target Build Target Button F7 Translates modified files and builds the application.
Rebuild all target files Rebuild Target Button   Re-translate all source files and builds the application.
Batch Build... Batch Build Button   Executes build-commands on the selected project targets of a multi-project.
Translate file Translate Button Ctrl+F7 Translates the active file.
Stop build Stop Build Button   Stops the build process.
1 .. 10     Lists the most recently used project files.


  • The menu command Clean target deletes the following files for all targets defined in a project:
    • In the Object Folder:
      1. All files with the name as specified in Options for Target - Output - Name of Executable.
      2. Files that have the extension *.bat, *.cod, *.elf, *.lnp, *.h86, *.hex, *.htm, *.orc, *.plg, *.sbr.
      3. For each source file, the files with the extension *.obj, *.o, *._ii, *._ia, *.__i.
    • In the Listing Folder:
      1. All files with the name as specified in Options for Target - Output - Name of Executable.
      2. Files that have the extension *.map, (for C166 *.m66,  for C51 *.m51)
      3. For each source file, files with the extension *.lst.
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