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Disassembly Window

The Disassembly Window shows the program execution in assembly code, or, intermixed with the source code (device dependent). When the Disassembly Window is the active window, then all debug-stepping commands work on assembly level.

Disassembly Window Button Open the window with the menu View — Disassembly Window.

  • Enable the trace history with View - Trace - Enable Trace Recording.
  • Use the Context Menu to access commands or set options quickly.
  • Set Breakpoints by clicking into the left (colored) margin.

Disassembly Window Example

The code execution markers identify:

No CodeNo Code - Lines with no code are marked with a light gray block.

Unexecuted CodeUnexecuted Code - Unexecuted lines (instructions) are marked with a dark gray block.

Fully Executed CodeExecuted Code - Fully-executed lines (instructions) are marked with a green block. A green block on a branch instruction indicates that both the true and false conditions have been tested.

Branch TakenBranch Condition True - A cyan (blue) block indicates that only this condition of a branch was true and therefore always taken.

Branch SkippedBranch Condition False - An orange block indicates that this condition of a branch was never true and therefore never taken.


  • Use Debug — Inline Assembly (C51 and C251) to modify instructions while debugging. Allows correcting the code or making temporary changes.
  • Change the background color for the current line (yellow in the picture) with the dialog Edit - Configuration - Colors & Fonts - Disassembly Window - focus line background.
  • For further statistics refer to Code Coverage and Performance Analyzer.
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