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System and Thread Viewer

The System and Thread Viewer window shows system state information and running threads for an RTOS application.

Open the window with Debug – OS Support – System and Thread Viewer.

System and Thread Viewer

One thread can run in multiple instances. All active threads are listed in this dialog. The System property shows general information about the RTOS configuration. The item Thread Usage shows the number of available and used threads that are currently active.

The Threads property shows details about thread execution, including information about priority, execution state, and stack usage. Threads columns identify:


ID Thread index assigned when the thread was started.
Name Name of the thread function.
Priority Current thread priority.
State Current thread state.
Delay Delay timeout value of a thread.
Event Value Event flags set for a thread.
Event Mask Event flags that the thread is waiting for.
Stack Usage Stack usage of a thread.

If the option Stack usage watermark is enabled in the file RTX_Conf_CM.c, then the field Stack Usage shows the current and maximum stack load.
The value cur: is the current stack usage at the actual program location.
The value max: is the maximum stack load that occurred during thread execution, based on overwrites of the stack usage watermark pattern.
Values in brackets ([ ]) are the maximum stack usage in bytes and the total stack size in bytes.

This allows you:
  • to identify a stack overflow during thread execution
  • to optimize and reduce the stack space for a thread.


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