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Toolbox Button

The Toolbox contains user-configurable buttons. Click on a Toolbox button to execute associated debug commands or debug functions. Toolbox buttons can be clicked at any time, even while running the test program.

Define Toolbox buttons in the Command Window with the DEFINE BUTTON command.

The general syntax is:

>DEFINE BUTTON "button_label", "command"
button_label is the name to display on the button in the Toolbox.
command is a µVision command to be executed when the button is pressed.

Toolbox Dialog

Buttons can be redefined by using an existing button label.

The following examples show the define commands used to create the buttons in the Toolbox shown above:

>DEFINE BUTTON "Decimal Output", "radix=0x0A"
>DEFINE BUTTON "Hex Output", "radix=0x10"
>DEFINE BUTTON "My Status Info", "MyStatus ()" /* call debug function */
>DEFINE BUTTON "Analog1 0..3V", "analog0 ()" /* call signal function */
>DEFINE BUTTON "Show R15", "printf (\"R15=%04XH\\n\")"


  • The printf command defined in the last button definition shown above introduces nested strings. The double quote (") and backslash (\) characters of the format string must be escaped with \ to avoid syntax errors.

You can remove a Toolbox button with the KILL BUTTON command and the button number. For example:

>Kill Button 5 /* Remove 'Stop Analog1' button */


  • The Update Windows button in the Toolbox is created automatically and cannot be removed. The Update Windows button updates several debug windows during program execution.
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