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Literal Symbols

Literal Symbols are identified by a back quote character (‘). Literal symbols must be used to access:

  • program variables or symbols which are identical with a predefined Reserved Word, such as debug command options, data type names, CPU register names, and assembler mnemonics.
  • CPU driver symbols (VTREG) which are identical to a program variable name.


Assume a variable R5 has been defined in the application. To access the R5 variable and not the register R5, prefix the symbol name with the back quote character (‘).

Accessing the R5 Register Accessing the R5 Variable
R5 = 121
‘R5 = 212

Assume a function named clock has been defined in the application. To access the VTREG clock, prefix the symbol name with the back quote character (‘).

Accessing the clock function Accessing the clock VTREG
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