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Symbols Window

The Symbols window shows debug information about the application symbol name, location, and the symbol type. For functions, the window shows the return and parameter type.

Enable Options for Target - Output - Debug Information and compile the code to generate application debug information.

Symbols Window ButtonOpen the window through the toolbar button or via the menu View — Symbol Window.

Symbols Window


search box Allows finding symbol names quickly. The search string can consist of alphanumeric characters and mask characters as described in the appendix F. TR1 Search Expressions.
Module / Name Lists the symbol names, which are grouped as:

Symbol names are marked with different icons:

  • Modules Icon Modules - with a box containing the colors yellow, violet, and blue.
  • Variables Icon Variables and Types - with a blue box.
  • Functions Icon Functions - with a violet box.
  • Function args Icon Function Arguments - with a blue box preceded by a red arrow.
Location Shows the memory address, offset, or explanatory text.
Type Shows the symbol type and for functions the return type.

The context menu allows:

  • Jumping to the code (for functions).
  • Copying the symbol name to the clipboard.
  • Adding variables to other windows.

Drag & drop symbols to other debug windows such as the Watch, Memory, or Command window.

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