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RL-ARM User's Guide (MDK v4)
#include <file_config.h> BOOL BusSpeed ( U32 kbaud); /* Bus speed in kilo-baud */
The function BusSpeed sets the transfer speed on the SPI interface to the requested baud rate.
The parameter kbaud specifies the requested baud rate.
The function is part of the SPI Driver. The prototype is defined in the file File_Config.h. Developers must customize the function.
spi.CheckMedia, spi.Init, spi.RecBuf, spi.Send, spi.SendBuf, spi.SetSS, spi.UnInit
/* SPI Device Driver Control Block */ SPI_DRV spi0_drv = { Init, UnInit, Send, SendBuf, RecBuf, BusSpeed, SetSS, CheckMedia }; /* Set an SPI clock to required baud rate. */ static BOOL BusSpeed (U32 kbaud) { U32 div; div = (__PCLK/1000 + kbaud - 1) / kbaud; if (div == 0) { div = 0x02; } if (div & 1) { div++; } if (div > 0xFE) { div = 0xFE; } SSPCPSR = div; return (__TRUE); }
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