The http_get_session returns the current session number of
the HTTP server running on TCPnet. The session number can be any
value between 0 and HTTP_NUMSESS. You can customize the defined value
of HTTP_NUMSESS in net_config.h.
The http_get_session function is a system function that is
in the RL-TCPnet library. The prototype is defined in
Storing the HTTP query string in a single global variable can
result in the HTTP server sending the wrong reply to a client when
several clients try to access a dynamic HTTP page at the same time.
Hence it is better to have a separate variable for each session,
for example an array of query strings.
Return Value
The http_get_session function returns the current session
number of the HTTP server.
/* Should be the same value as set in 'Net_Config.c' file. */
#define HTTP_NUMSESS 10
U32 answer[HTTP_NUMSESS];
U16 cgi_func (U8 *env, U8 *buf, U16 buflen, U32 *pcgi) {
U16 len = 0;
U32 http_session;
http_session = http_get_session ();
len += sprintf (buf+len,"Answer is: %d",answer[http_session]);
return (len);
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