#include <net_config.h>
U8 http_check_account (
U8* user, /* Username entered in the browser. */
U8* passw ); /* Password entered in the browser. */
The http_check_account function checks if an user account
for provided credentials exist in the user database. It is called
from the TCPnet Web server to check if the user with provided
credentials is allowed to access the Web pages or not.
The argument user points to a buffer containing the user
name which was typed in from the browser. The argument passw
specifies the password. Both arguments are 0-terminated strings.
The http_check_account function is in the HTTP_MultiUser.c
module. The prototype is defined in net_config.h.
This function is optional. For single user HTTP
authentication or when the HTTP authentication is disabled from the
configuration, this function is not required.
Return Value
The http_check_account function returns the user
identification number. If the user account does not exist, it should
return 0.
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