The timer_tick function sets the timer tick flag, which the
TCPnet system uses to measure time.
The timer_tick function is in the RL-TCPnet library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
The TCPnet system does not use any CPU timers. Hence, you must
generate the timing events by periodically calling the
timer_tick function, for example by using a timer interrupt
Since all the TCPnet timeouts are very slow, you can also
generate timer events by polling for timer overflow.
You must configure the parameter TICK_INTERVAL in net_config.c
to the period of your timer events, in milliseconds. You can set
this to any value between 10 and 200.
It is better to set TICK_INTERVAL to a higher value because low
value for TICK_INTERVAL results in more frequent calls to system
timer update function, which reduces the performance of the TCPnet
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