#include <rtx_can.h>
CAN_ERROR CAN_tx_object (
U32 ctrl, /* CAN Controller */
U32 channel, /* CAN Channel Number */
U32 id, /* Message ID */
U32 object_para); /* Object Parameters */
The CAN_tx_object function enables message transmission for
the CAN controller specified by ctrl on the
specified channel. Once enabled, the CAN
controller can transmit messages matching the specified id. The object_para may be one of the
DATA FRAME message type.
REMOTE FRAME message type.
Message with standard 11-bit identifier type.
Message with extended 29-bit identifier type.
Types DATA_TYPE or REMOTE_TYPE can be used together with
STANDARD_TYPE or EXTENDED_TYPE (type specifiers can be bit-ored
The CAN_tx_object function is part of RL-CAN. The prototype
is defined in RTX_CAN.h.
Enabling a transmission object is not necessary for many
microcontrollers (like the NXP LPC2000 and ST Microelectronics STR7
devices) because they can send CAN messages without configuring a
transmission object. As such, this function is not implemented for
some devices.
For devices like the ST Microelectronics STR7, you must leave
at least one message object available for message transmission. You
cannot initialize the object as a receive object and use it for
Some CAN controllers, like that used in the NXP LPC2000
devices, do not use the channel information. For
these devices, you should specify a value of 0 for the channel.
Return Value
The CAN_tx_object function returns one of the following
manifest constants.
Indicates that no more transmit or receive objects may be
#include <rtx_can.h>
void main (void) {
CAN_tx_object (1, 2, 33, DATA_TYPE | STANDARD_TYPE);
// Enable DATA message transmission on controller 1,
// channel 2, with STANDARD 11-bit ID 33
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