#include <RTL.h>
#include <rl_usb.h>
BOOL usbd_cls_req (
BOOL setup // __TRUE = setup stage, __FALSE = Data Out stage
The function usbd_cls_if_req is called for custom class
interface request on the control endpoint 0. The argument
setup specifies the stage at which the request was
The function usbd_cls_if_req is part of the USB Device
Function Driver layer of the RL-USB Device Software Stack.
BOOL usbd_cls_if_req (BOOL setup) {
/* Should handle any custom class interface requests */
/* Sample code which demonstrates how to use it */
if (USBD_SetupPacket.wIndexL == 0x01) { /* Check interface number of custom class */
if (setup) { /* Interface request is in SETUP stage (after setup packet has been received) */
/* USBD_SetupPacket contains information of received request: bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength
which can be analyzed to determine what exactly needs to be done and to prepare response */
switch (USBD_SetupPacket.bRequest) {
case 0x01: /* Request: 0x01 - custom defined request */
if (USBD_SetupPacket.bmRequestType.Dir == REQUEST_HOST_TO_DEVICE) {
/* Request which expects data to be received from host */
/* Prepare buffer for data reception */
USBD_EP0Data.pData = data_recv;
} else {
/* Request which expects data to be sent to host */
/* Prepare data to send */
data_send[0] = 0xAB;
data_send[1] = 0xCD;
/* ... */
USBD_EP0Data.pData = data_send;
/* If more data is requested then we have to send, we have to correct Count.
Also if last packet is sized as maximum packet we have to generate
Zero length packet to terminate the response. */
if (!(USBD_EP0Data.Count & (USBD_MAX_PACKET0 - 1))) USBD_ZLP = 1;
return (__TRUE);
} else { /* Interface request is in OUT stage (after data has been received) */
switch (USBD_SetupPacket.bRequest) {
case 0x01: /* Request: 0x01 - custom defined request */
/* Received data available for processing
Data buffer: data_recv
Data length: USBD_SetupPacket.wLength
USBD_StatusInStage(); /* send Acknowledge */
return (__TRUE);
return (__FALSE); /* If this was not a request for our custom class interface or
if it was a request that we do not handle */
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