#include <net_config.h>
U16 ftp_fread (
FILE* file, /* Pointer to the file to read from. */
U8* buf, /* Pointer to buffer, to store the data. */
U16 len ); /* Number of bytes to read. */
The ftp_fread reads len bytes from the file
identified by the file stream pointer in the function
argument. The argument buf is a pointer to the buffer where
the function stores the read data.
The ftp_fread function is in the FTP_uif.c module. The
prototype is defined in net_config.h.
The ftp_fread function must read len bytes. The
FTP Server stops reading and closes the file if the return value is
less than len bytes.
Return Value
The ftp_fread function returns the number of bytes read
from the file.
U16 ftp_fread (void *file, U8 *buf, U16 len) {
/* Read 'len' bytes from file to buffer 'buf'. The file will be */
/* closed, when the number of bytes read is less than 'len'. */
return (fread (buf, 1, len, file));
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