#include <rtl.h>
OS_RESULT os_mbx_wait (
OS_IDmailbox, /* The mailbox to get message from */
void** message, /* Location to store the message pointer */
U16 timeout ); /* Wait time for message to become available */
The os_mbx_wait function gets a pointer to a message from
the mailbox if the mailbox is not empty. The function puts the
message pointer from the mailbox into the location pointed by the
message argument.
If the mailbox is empty, the RTX kernel puts the calling task to
sleep. The timeout specifies the length of time the task can
wait for a message. The kernel wakes up the task either when the
timeout expires or when a message becomes available in the
You can set the timeout to any value between 0 and 0xFFFE. You can
set the timeout to 0xFFFF for an indefinite timeout. If you specify
the timeout to 0, the calling task continues immediately even
if there are higher priority tasks in the ready list, irrespective of
whether a message is present in the mailbox or not.
The os_mbx_wait function is in the RL-RTX library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
You must declare and initialize the mailbox object before you
perform any operation on it.
The unit of measure of the timeout argument is numbers
of system intervals.
When you get the message from the mailbox, you must free the
memory block containing the message to avoid running out of
When you get the message from the mailbox, space is created in
the mailbox for a new message.
Return Value
The os_mbx_wait function returns a completion value:
Return Value
The task has waited until a message was put in the
The timeout specified by timeout has expired before a message
was available in the mailbox.
A message was available in the mailbox, and the task
continues without waiting.
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