#include <rtl.h>
int sendto (
int sock, /* Socket descriptor */
const char *buf, /* Pointer to a buffer with data */
int len, /* Length of data in bytes */
int flags, /* Message flags */
SOCKADDR *to, /* Pointer to destination address */
int tolen); /* Length of the address structure */
The sendto function is used to send data on a
SOCK_DGRAM socket type.
The argument sock specifies a socket descriptor returned
from a previous call to socket.
The argument buf is a pointer to the application data
buffer containing data to transmit. The buffer data length is not
limited in size. If the data length is too large for one packet, the
send function will fragment the data and send it in
several successive data packets:
In blocking mode, which is enabled if the system detects RTX
environment, this function returns after the data has been
successfully transmitted.
In non blocking mode, the function returns immediately without
blocking the system. Return value represents the numbytes
sent, which can be less than len, if the data can not be
transmitted in one packet.
The argument len specifies the length of data in bytes.
The argument flags specifies the message flags:
The function returns with error code SCK_EWOULDBLOCK
or numbytes sent instead of blocking the socket.
The argument to is a pointer to the SOCKADDR structure that
contains the end point node IP address and port number.
The argument tolen specifies the length of SOCKADDR
The sendto function is in the RL-TCPnet library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
You must call the socket function before any other
function calls to the BSD socket.
If a negative number is returned, it represents an error
Return Value
The send function returns the result code:
The total number of bytes successfully sent (a positive
The socket identified with sock is invalid, or in invalid
The function parameters are invalid or not supported.
The function would block, and the socket is set to non blocking
Remote end point has closed the connection.
The function failed due to error in underlying native TCP/UDP
The socket is locked by another task in RTX
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