#include <rtl.h>
OS_RESULT os_evt_wait_and (
U16 wait_flags, /* Bit pattern of events to wait for */
U16 timeout ); /* Length of time to wait for event */
The os_evt_wait_and function waits for all the events
specified in the wait_flags to occur. The function only waits
on events whose corresponding flags have been set to 1 in the
wait_flags parameter. The function can wait on as many as 16
different events.
You can use the timeout argument to specific the length of
time after which the function must return even if none of the events
have occurred. You can use any value of timeout with the exception of
0xFFFF, which you can use to specify an indefinite timeout. The unit
of measure of the timeout argument is the number of system
The os_evt_wait_and function returns when all of the events
specified in the wait_flags have occurred or when the timeout
expires. If all events specified in wait_flags have arrived,
this function clears them before the function returns. The function
actually clears the events whose corresponding flags have been set to
1 in the wait_flags parameter. The other event flags are not
The os_evt_wait_and function is in the RL-RTX library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
Each task has its own 16 bit wait flag.
Return Value
The os_evt_wait_and function returns a value to indicate
whether an event occurred or the timeout expired.
Return Value
All the flags specified by wait_flags
have been set.
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