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RL-ARM User's Guide (MDK v4)
#include <rtl.h> int socket ( int family, /* Address family. */ int type, /* Communication type. */ int protocol); /* Communication protocol */
The socket function creates a communication end point called a socket.
The argument family specifies the address family. Currently the only acceptable value is AF_INET.
The argument type specifies the communication semantics. The following are the currently supported types:
The argument protocol specifies the protocol that must be used with socket type:
The socket function is in the RL-TCPnet library. The prototype is defined in rtl.h.
The socket function returns the following result:
bind, closesocket, ioctlsocket
#include <rtl.h> __task void server (void *argv) { /* Server task runs in 2 instances. */ SOCKADDR_IN addr; int sock, sd, res; int type = (int)argv; char dbuf[4]; while (1) { sock = socket (AF_INET, type, 0); addr.sin_port = htons(1001); addr.sin_family = PF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; bind (sock, (SOCKADDR *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (type == SOCK_STREAM) { listen (sock, 1); sd = accept (sock, NULL, NULL); closesocket (sock); sock = sd; } while (1) { res = recv (sock, dbuf, sizeof (dbuf), 0); if (res <= 0) { break; } procrec ((U8 *)dbuf); } closesocket (sock); } }
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