#include <Net_Config.h>
BOOL arp_get_info (
REMOTEM* info ); /* Pointer to structure to copy */
/* remote machine information into. */
The arp_get_info function retrieves the IP address for the
requested MAC (ethernet) address, or retrieves the MAC address for
the requested IP address, from the ARP cache table.
The argument info points to a structure in memory, which
contains the input parameter for the function call, and returns
result on function exit. The value of input parameter depends on
which address we want to retrieve:
IP address
don't care
The function copies the MAC address to info.HwAdr for
the requested IP address from the ARP cache table.
MAC address
The function copies the IP address to info.IpAdr for
the requested MAC address from the ARP cache table.
The arp_get_info function is in the RL-TCPnet library. The
prototype is defined in net_config.h.
Only the ethernet network interface needs to use the
arp_get_info function. There is no ARP protocol for the PPP
and SLIP network interfaces.
Return Value
__TRUE = requested address was copied into info
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