#include <net_config.h>
void tnet_set_delay (
U16 dly ); /* Length of time to wait. */
The tnet_set_delay function ensures that the telnet server
does not call the tnet_process_cmd function until a certain
time period expires. After the time interval, the telnet server can
call the tnet_process_cmd function. The argument dly
specifies the time period to wait, in number of timer ticks.
The tnet_set_delay function is in the RL-TCPnet library.
The prototype is defined in net_config.h.
For example, when monitoring an input channel, you can call the
tnet_set_delay function from the tnet_process_cmd to
continuously update the telnet client screen every 2 seconds.
Pressing a key on the remote telnet client stops the monitoring
typedef struct {
U8 id;
U8 nmax;
U8 idx;
#define MYBUF(p) ((MY_BUF *)p)
U16 tnet_process_cmd (U8 *cmd, U8 *buf, U16 buflen, U32 *pvar) {
U16 len;
switch (MYBUF(pvar)->id) {
case 0:
/* On first call to this function, the value of '*pvar' is 0 */
case 1:
/* Display measurements triggered by command 'MEAS' */
return (len);
case 2:
/* Monitor analog input ADIN0. */
len = sprintf (buf,"ADIN0 = %d",AD_in (0));
/* Delay a call to this function for 2 seconds (20 * 100ms). */
tnet_set_delay (20);
/* Request a repeated call, bit 14 is a repeat flag. */
len |= 0x4000;
return (len);
/* Simple Command line parser */
if (tnet_ccmp (cmd, "ADMON") == __TRUE) {
/* Monitor the value of ADIN0 constantly on a screen. */
len = str_copy (buf, CLS);
MYBUF(cmd)->id = 2;
return (len | 0x4000);
return (len);
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