#include <rtl.h>
BOOL arp_cache_mac (
U8* hwadr ); /* Pointer to buffer containing the 6 octets of the MAC address. */
The arp_cache_mac function determines whether the ARP table
has an IP address entry for the requested MAC (ethernet) address. If
an entry does not exist, the function forces the TCPnet system to
resolve and cache the IP address into the internal ARP table buffer.
To resolve the IP address, the TCPnet system sends an inverse
arp request to the network.
The argument hwadr points to a buffer containing the six
octets of the MAC address to be resolved.
The arp_cache_mac function is in the RL-TCPnet library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
Only the ethernet network interface needs to use the
arp_cache_mac function. There is no ARP protocol for the PPP
and SLIP network interfaces.
Return Value
__TRUE = when both subsequent conditions are satisfied:
The requested IP address could be resolved.
The ARP table contains an entry for the IP address and its
MAC address.
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