#include <rtl.h>
OS_RESULT os_tsk_prio_self (
U8 new_prio ); /* New priority of task (1-254) */
The os_tsk_prio_self macro changes the priority of the
currently running task to new_prio.
The os_tsk_prio_self function is in the RL-RTX library. The
prototype is defined in rtl.h.
The value of new_prio can be anything from 1 to
The new priority stays in effect until you change it.
Priority 0 is reserved for the idle task. If priority 0 is
specified to the function, it is automatically replaced with the
value of 1 by the RTX kernel. Priority 255 is also reserved.
A higher value for new_prio indicates a higher
Return Value
The os_tsk_prio_self function always returns OS_R_OK.
#include <rtl.h>
OS_TID tsk1;
__task void task1 (void) {
os_tsk_prio_self(10); /* Increase its priority, for the critical section */
.. /* This is a critical section */
os_tsk_prio_self(2); /* Decrease its priority at end of critical section */
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